From farm to your cup
“Utana”, pronounced “Oh-tah-nah” is a Kikuyu word meaning generosity. The word Kikuyu itself refers to the people (and dialect) of people who live on the southwestern slopes of Mt. Kenya, – Africa’s second-highest mountain.
Mt. Kenya is an extinct volcanic mountain and this region’s high elevation, cool climate, rich and well-drained volcanic soils produce some of the best coffee in the world which has won many top awards. The coffee is mainly grown on small-scale farms and processed at community-driven processing centres.
Vibrant, clean & crisp with fruity tones and wine taste are some of the main characteristics associated with the coffee.
Go ahead and take your place at nature’s bountiful table. Enjoy Utana!
Production done by small scale growers/farmers. Planting, taking care of the plants and harvesting is done by hand. Great for the environment.
Production on smaller farms means less reliance on chemicals. Very environmentally friendly as bees thrive in this environment.
Utana Coffee does more than just selecting the finest coffee beans from small-scale farmers; Utana is committed to doing things the right way that benefits both the environment and their farmers.